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VITEZ SERTIFIKACIJA D.O.O. is maintaining register of valid certifications which is public available together with information about suspended and withdrawn certifications.

Num. Organization Address (where organization is registered) Standard / document Certification scope Location's Status
1 Bahus d.o.o. Strisko naselje bb, Striza, 35250 Paracin CAC/RCP, 1-1969, rev. 4-2003 (HACCP) Production of diet product (food additive) – VITAVITA Strisko naselje bb, Striza, Paracin (line for production of diet vitamine instant drink) withdrawn

If you want us to confirm validity of certain certification please send us written request on:

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VITEZ SERTIFIKACIJA is certification body for certification of management systems.

Application for certification

Here you can download the application form for sertification (available only on serbian).
